Empowerment Today Perth

Empowerment Today Perth



Empowerment Today Perth

Welcome to my profile, my name is Charanjev Bhatti (Tranj). I am grateful for the OPPORTUNITIES in Life and what they bring.

After 16 years as a Corporate Accountant and working in various industries, I am now operating a successful global business positioned within the Personal Development Industry.

I run my own home based business @ www.empowermenttoday.com.au assisting people who are serious about making a change, who are self-starters and are motivated to create an abundant LIFESTYLE. In a nutshell “Big Thinkers”.

My business is in Media and Success Education – Being a part of a Global Business in Personal Leadership Development, Success Education and Self-Empowerment. I have partnered with a US Fortune 500 company and we specialise in personal and leadership development by providing online access to educational resources and training materials. This includes personal development courses accessed through online webinars, papers, articles and audio content containing exercises designed to bring conscious awareness to simple and fundamental, but ultimately powerful tools that aid to regain conscious control over transformational shifts in awareness, habits and most importantly, in life results.

I offer an opportunity for Business Savvy Entrepreneurs looking for self-satisfaction in starting their own online home based business. Allowing them the opportunity to create a more rewarding and fulfilling LIFESTYLE.

After creating a professional Social Media presence for myself, I have been able to embrace what comes effortlessly to me and follow this passion of mine creating my own Social Media business.

I am now able to work from home and truly be at CAUSE in my life and not at the EFFECT, whilst spending time with my family. I get to work closely with the top income earners globally and demonstrate to people how they too have the ability to create this for themselves following our simple Unique Business Model.

The easiest way to live life on your terms is to have residual income. I have the systems, the vehicles and the training to achieve this. In my opinion I have the best vehicle out there in order to achieve this FAST and last long term so you can spend your time doing what you are passionate about – not what you HAVE to do in order to pay the bills.

Contact me directly if you are looking for an additional source of income and want to be a part of a company that is actively making a difference on a global and individual level.

Specialties: Specializing in success education, wealth creation, leadership training and development, life/work balance and more! ,

In 2011, our Success Education curriculum was a winner of the prestigious Learning 100 Award for its educational content, learning culture, innovation and organizational performance. Last year’s winners include American Express, Adobe, Dell, General Electric to name a few. We are in very good company, indeed!! This is the 2nd educational award we have won in less than 18 months. In May, 2012, the curriculum received Accreditation, and is now being offered in corporate training and in colleges/universities. Upon graduation the students have the tools to be self-reliant, which is one of the greatest forms of education we can provide. Exciting to be a part of something worthwhile that is making a difference….

Opening Times
Open 24/7

I Can Speak The Following Languages: Punjabi, English.

Contact Details

  • Address: Suite 50,110 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA
  • Mobile: 0411 065 550
  • Email: info@empowermenttoday.com.au
  • Website: www.empowermenttoday.com.au
  • Facebook: Empowerment Today




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Perth, City of Perth, Western Australia, 6000, Australia

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